Empowering Ogiek Indigenous Community of Mt. Elgon, Kenya

Why we exist

The Ogiek Indigenous people of Mt.Elgon have faced evictions from their historical land, which they have conserved and protected since time immemorial. We intervene by ensuring land tenure rights as well as people’s rights are protected. We are partnering with other organizations in order to achieve our objectives.

Indigenous peoples have rights

Indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired.

Chepkitale Indigenous People Development Project (CIPDP) was founded in 2000 and registered on April 17th, 2003 as an NGO with a mission to enhance the protection and promotion of human rights through programs and partnerships that meet our objectives.

Towards united conservation

Indigenous communities from East Africa share experiences and develop a shared vision for conservation in the region.

Latest from our blog

The Launch of Teryeet Women Association (TERWA)

The Launch of Teryeet Women Association (TERWA)

On November 20th 2024, a significant milestone was achieved by the

Our Commitment to Protecting Indigenous Rights

Our Commitment to Protecting Indigenous Rights

Today, we join the global community in celebrating World Humanitarian Day,

We have directly impacted lives and livelihoods of more than 700 community members

Successful projects

We champion conservation

Together with the community of Chepkitale, we have overseen the development of Community bylaws which guide conservation in Mt.Elgon

Our partners

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